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Getting down to the wire!

It’s nearly the middle of March, and though all the interior stuff takes a while and progress looks slow, a lot has been happening.

As you can see here, the front deck (and the rear) are finally complete, with the staircases on.  The only thing left on the outside is exterior lighting.



Inside, the last “large” construction detail is the rail across the loft and down the stairs.  Here you can see the beginnings of it.  The posts here have been trial-fitted, and next week, the carpenter (who is a much an artist as a carpenter) will be putting in the rest of the pieces, the softening and finishing the surfaces of the rails.



The kitchen cabinets are completed now, and we’ve put some of the pulls on the doors.  These are cool – they’re cast with the footprints of bear on them….





Laying wood flooring is back-breaking work no matter how you look at it.  But, you get to use really cool tools like that pneumatic flooring nailer on the right.  We laid three times as much wood floor on this project than we ever did in the others.  And we still weren’t done.  We got the carpet company to lay the last two small rooms and hallway.



Now it’s all in, its looking GREAT!  Still a bit dusty, but remember it’s a construction site.






So, what’s left?  Beginning next week we’ll see the railing finished.  Then, the finish trades will get done starting the middle of the week:

Finish Electrical – all the light fixtures, switches, fans, etc.  (Had to MAKE an 8 foot downrod for the fan in the greatroom – you can’t buy them anymore.  Thanks to our neighbor Gene who is a seriously great machinist, with the tool set to boot.  I got the pipe and painted it, but he’s got the mill he used to drill the holes in it we need so we’re all set.

Finish Plumbing – the plumber will come back and put in all the faucets and fixtures, add a hose bib on the outside, and punch a hole in the foundation so we can hook up the cistern for water.  We’ll be seeing the shower doors installed as well.

Finish Carpentry – all the baseboards and final carpentry trim will go in as well.

Believe it or not, there’s still quite a bit to go after that, but that’s the next two weeks worth.


Classy Cabins AZ

Classy Cabins Arizona is dedicated to bringing you the finest luxury vacation rental property in the beautiful cool country of Northern Arizona. Stay at a Classy Cabin, and you’ll always want to come back.

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